2018-Work in progress
Everything surrounding us is in constant movement.
A harmonograph is a mechanical apparatus that utilises the movement of various pendulums to create a geometric formation. These images are known as lissajous figures
and were created as a means to visualize the vibrational movement of sound describing a complex harmonic motion. It was a popular invention of the last decade of the 19th century.
The series ' DISSONANCE' explores the visual composition of a state of disharmony that emerges as a reflection of our present reality. The artists utilises a hand made perfectable harmonograph constructed as is on purpose to create a conjunction of images that are considered visually 'out of tune'.
Through the interconexión of these images the intention lies on reconstructing harmony. Create a certain order and
comprehension that emerges from chaos and the acceptance of its imperfections.
2018-Work in progress
Everything surrounding us is in constant movement.
A harmonograph is a mechanical apparatus that utilises the movement of various pendulums to create a geometric formation. These images are known as lissajous figures
and were created as a means to visualize the vibrational movement of sound describing a complex harmonic motion. It was a popular invention of the last decade of the 19th century.
The series ' DISSONANCE' explores the visual composition of a state of disharmony that emerges as a reflection of our present reality. The artists utilises a hand made perfectable harmonograph constructed as is on purpose to create a conjunction of images that are considered visually 'out of tune'.
Through the interconexión of these images the intention lies on reconstructing harmony. Create a certain order and
comprehension that emerges from chaos and the acceptance of its imperfections.
Todo lo que nos rodea está en constante vibración y movimiento.
Un armonógrafo es un aparato mecánico que utiliza péndulos para crear una imagen geométrica. Estas imágenes, llamadas curvas Lissajous, fueron creadas al intentar visibilizar el movimiento vibratorio del sonido. Fue un invento popular en la última década del siglo XIX.
La serie DISONANCIA explora la composición visual de un estado de desarmonía que emerge como reflejo de nuestra realidad actual. La artista utiliza un armonógrafo de construcción perfectible como elemento instintivo para crear un conjunto de elementos desacordes. Mediante la interconexión de estas imágenes se intenta reconstruir una armonía, crear cierto orden y comprensión, partiendo de lo caótico y la aceptación del misma imperfección.
Ink on paper, variable dimensions.

20cm x15cm

25cm x20cm

100cm x70cm

40cm x30cm

30cm x20cm

70cm x30cm

40cm x30cm

40cm x30cm