Are you not entertained?
Ink on paper, 21cm x 29,5cm.
Ink on paper, 21cm x 29,5cm.
Randomly selected outdated memes that have resonance in my understanding of what I view as popular contemporary counter culture translated into morse code. Mirrowing and mocking my futile attempt to keep up with modernity holding onto my youthfulness.
Randomly selected outdated memes that have resonance in my understanding of what I view as popular contemporary counter culture translated into morse code. Mirrowing and mocking my futile attempt to keep up with modernity holding onto my youthfulness.
Memes anticuados seleccionados al azar que tienen resonancia en entendimiento de lo que percibo como contra cultura popular contemporánea traducida en código morse. Reflejando y burlandome de mi intento inútil de mantenerse al día con la modernidad aferrandome a la juventud.
Memes anticuados seleccionados al azar que tienen resonancia en entendimiento de lo que percibo como contra cultura popular contemporánea traducida en código morse. Reflejando y burlandome de mi intento inútil de mantenerse al día con la modernidad aferrandome a la juventud.

Absolute unit

Are you not entertained?


Distracted boyfriend

Epic Fail
